Psych-k - Dynamic Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Psych-k - Update Belief Statements in your Subconscious Mind


over 10 years ago Graham Fletcher had the fortune to discover an amazing video on youtube that changed forever my understanding of how people work - at the level of the subconscious mind!

In particular 13 minutes of a 1:1 demonstration of the Psych-k technique (see above at 57 minutes) evidenced to Graham how powerful the subconscious mind is*. The video shows a curious participant in a workshop testing if she believed an aspirational goal statement she identified with at the level of her subconscious mind (she did not)

The Psych-k founder (and facilitator of this demo ) Rob Williams then guided her through a Psych-k balance to save this important belief into her subconscious mind*

Watch her experience of testing what her subconscious mind really believed at 57 minutes into the video (lasts 13 minutes)

Dynamic Psych-k Facilitation in Bristol and Worldwide (Remote)

Psych-k (pronounced "si kay" ) is a simple, yet powerful belief change technique (based on Kinesiology muscle testing) that enables you to access a number of very powerful change processes within your subconscious mind
Psych-k has a number of "Balances"

You can use Psych-k to:*
Test and save new beliefs into your subconscious mind*
Transform the perception of a stressful situation in your subconscious into a peaceful one*
Transform your beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging*
Test if allergies or phobias are connected to people or events and reset them*

A groundbreaking approach (developed over 20 years ago) Psych-k provides a spectrum of powerful tools for change at the subconscious level, where at least 95% of our consciousness operates* 

If you find that using standard methods of self-development such as visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking are not working then it's highly likely that this is because these techniques are not being embedded in at the important subconscious level of your mind, as they are only operating at the level of conscious thought

Psych-k will connect you with the full beauty of your subconscious mind and provide you with a very physical, evidence-based result system* 

Graham Fletcher is trained Psych-k facilitator and can facilitate Psych-k just as effectively over Skype, Whatsapp as well as in person


Graham has facilitated clients to successfully change a long term pattern of insomnia, reverse a long term pattern of creative procrastination and feel comfortable with addressing difficult relationship decisions*


©Awaken Your Highest Self 2024