Psych-k - subconscious mind reprogramming technique

Awaken Your Highest Self
with Kinesiology Muscle Testing Techniques

Based in Bristol, UK | 07906 956035

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Video Sessions for UK friendly timezones worldwide

Take control of programming your subconscious mind | Self-heal | Release Trapped Emotions | Transform memories of past trauma | Expand your consciousness

High-Frequency support and coaching for aspirational individuals

Bring your Awakening Conscious mind and Subconscious mind into alignment 

More and more people are awakening to the fact:

They have a powerful subconscious mind influencing how they think,speak and act

Did you know you can access a wealth of information in your subconscious mind, rather than letting outside forces attempt to control it ?

You can take control of your beliefs and emotional state


Access coaching that nurtures your relationship with your subconscious mind and improves your conscious thinking and actions

Graham Fletcher supports people to nurture the amazing power they hold within themselves. He coaches coach people to understand how to connect and positively update their individual programming, stored in the powerful hard drive at the heart of their operating system. This can be done via in-person session in Bristol or on video calls. Kinesiology muscle testing is the primary basis you will use to gather information so you can make decisions on how and what programs you want to update

In 2024 millions of people are awakening to the attempts to attack the individual and collective subconscious mind, with the intention to control and cause mental and emotional harm.

You and the infinitley powerful love energy within you are a part of this powerful energy

Man laughing

Positively program yourself or be negatively programmed by others - What do you choose ?

Within us we all have the intelligence and means to protect, repair and upgrade how we think, feel and speak 

You can raise your vibrational frequency to attract all that you deserve into our life.


We all have a beautiful, intuitive , instinctual sense of how to protect ourselves from harm. Once you understand how your powerful subconscious mind functions and the relationship it has with conscious thinking (you may easily see this in the action and behaviours of others) then you can take control of your emotions and beliefs and make huge strides in how your consciousness expands

How You Access Your Powerful Subconscious Mind ?

Awaken Your Highest self will help you to understand how access your "hard drive" and then work positively to update your "operating system" using kinesiology muscle testing. 

This holistic practice has been around since the 1970s and is powerful in its simplicity, possible applications and results.

Kinesiology muscle testing gives you access to your own testable, internal data. You can then test and update your belief systems so that your conscious and subconscious mind align in a state of unity and harmony

You can also powerfully ask questions to divine consciousness to fine tune your understanding of what is truth and falsehood

It's time to protect your subconscious mind
Update and expand your consciousness

If you're awakening to the obvious patterns and techniques present in today's world, best get into self- mind control and take ownership of your own thought's feelings and inner power!

Men and women are not computer systems  - We are so much more than that!

Computers or Artificial intelligence do not powerful love filled hearts for example! 

The subconscious mind is accessed primarily through the eyes and ears but all senses are used

Often Men and Women don't know how to update their operating system as they didn't know they have admin status - With Kinesiology self muscle testing in your tool kit you gain the password access to the previously restricted area

If you're observant, you'll notice attempt's to compromise your operating system. Strong trapped emotions from childhood are often targetted

Millions of people have woken to the fact that childhood emotions can often become trapped, unresolved and re-triggered

You have the freedom to critically think about what you expose your precious subconscious mind to and most importantly what you will do to nurture its recovery and positive development

Love is a much more powerful force than fear

Would you be interested in testing if beliefs you consciously hold are installed in your subconscious mind?

If they are not, then Aweaken Your Highest self can facilitate saving the new belief statement of your choice in your subconscious mind.

If this sounds idea sounds so simple and potentially "life-changing" then you'd not be alone in thinking that

Mr Simon D used that very phrase to describe how dramatically he changed a long-term creative block. "My creative flow and focus is incredible. I don't fully understand the process Graham walked me through, although I can say it has changed my life. I cannot recommend the psych-k process enough"

An Awaken Your Highest Self session could benefit Key Areas of Your Life:





©Awaken Your Highest Self 2024