"I now feel confident and calm
in dealing with a situation that
has been problematic for a long time” - Mrs M Shea

Testimonials - Click to Expand

*Remove Blocks You Don't Understand* "I haven’t woken with any pain since and couldn’t believe such a simple session could be so effective!" Mrs G Bravery

"A few weeks ago Graham Fletcher carried out the Emotion Code with me as I suffer from teeth grinding, headaches and neck pain over night. There was obviously something stressful related to why I was grinding my teeth that has been a burden to me for many years. Using the Emotion Code we found that some of this stress was related to emotions I was hanging on to but couldn’t break the pattern. After the first session I went to bed feeling at ease and slept well, waking in the morning with no sign of any pain. One very obvious change was the gum shield that I’ve worn for years every night was under the covers in my bed and I had taken it out in my sleep. This was a major breakthrough. This has continued and I now no longer wear the gum shield. I haven’t woken with any pain since and couldn’t believe such a simple session could be so effective! Thank you so much for changing this for me, the difference is quite unbelievable!" Mrs Georgina B

*Transform Your Perception of Past Distress or Trauma*"Graham Fletcher has helped me to overcome a fear of spiders using the PSYCH-K session" Mr Justin B

“Graham Fletcher has helped me to overcome a fear of spiders using the PSYCH-K session. I found the treatment very relaxing and calming , a sense of well being was felt too. I thought the results were quite surprising. Whereas before I couldn't go anywhere places like my shed or under low trees in fear of spiders being present . Now only after 1 PSYCH-K session, I can be around spiders and I can except they are there . For example, there is 1 in my bedroom under my bed and now I don't mind it being there, in fact I have forgotten for a while. I will definitely be recommending him as I think it's a really worthwhile session Massive thank you Graham 😀” Mr Justin B

*Test and Install Positive Beliefs*"I now feel confident and calm in dealing with a situation that has been problematic for a long time.” Mrs Margret S

I do believe that your subconscious can affect you, but it was only after hearing about PSYCH-K from Graham that you can transform it and therefore change patterns in your life that have been inhibiting you.
I jokingly said I have intermittent pain and discomfort in my left foot which is restricting my mobility and x-rays have shown up nothing. So Graham said let’s work on that.
I was amazed during the session that various personal issues arose that I could identify with, without myself mentioning them. It then made me aware that after certain situations came up that I found uncomfortable to deal with, my foot pain flared up.
With simple new directions and affirmations using PSYCH-K techniques, I now feel confident and calm in dealing with a situation that has been problematic for a long time.” Mrs Margret S

*Remove Blocks You Don't Understand*"after a few months my sleeping in general has vastly improved. And that was from 1 consultation” Mr Campbell F

“I had a skype consultation with Graham in relation to having difficulties sleeping that stretched back about 20 years... over those 20 years I’ve tried countless techniques and eventually gave up and just accepted that part of my life. But after watching a couple of videos on PSYCH-K and hearing about the muscle testing being used as a way to communicate to the subconscious mind, I was curious - as all of the techniques I’d previously tried had been working with the conscious mind. So although being sceptical, I’m open minded enough to try new things.. Graham was very clear and concise with how we needed to make use of our time talking online.. I just decided to go with it although I didn’t really understand how it was going to work but I was also open to the fact that if it worked then that was all that really mattered... the proof is always in the pudding. And work it did.. I was very surprised as once a sceptic always a sceptic.. I waited a good couple of weeks to give my honest opinion on the results just so it didn’t turn out to be a good patch, but after a few months my sleeping in general has vastly improved. And that was from 1 consultation, I’ll definitely try some sessions with Graham in the future. When I used to like awake at night I genuinely felt that I wasn’t consciously anxious about the next day but worked out that subconsciously I must have been so it makes sense that if you tackle the problem at the root using this technique then you may well benefit greatly from trying it out.. Give it a go.. you’ll be pleasantly surprised” Mr Campbell F

*Test and Install Positive Beliefs*"My creative flow and focus is incredible. I don't fully understand the process Graham walked me through, although I can say it has changed my life" Mr Simon D

"As a musician I have struggled with my creative process for many years. I found it difficult to do what I am most passionate about, writing and producing music. There was always something more important to do. Even washing up. If I did make it into the studio I was never able to finish anything and if I did it would never leave my studio. I have a hard drive of hundreds of unfinished music projects. This disconnection would lead to anxiety, guilt and lack of motivation which perpetuated itself in a loop of poor self-confidence and doubt. As a friend, Graham knew of my difficulties and suggested we try the PSYCH-K technique. Although very open minded, I must admit I was a little sceptical. A couple of days after the session, I started to feel and see things very differently. Those unconscious blocks were lifted, my self-confidence, creativity and output soured. That was three months ago. In that time I have written, produced and released seven new tracks! My creative flow and focus is incredible. I don't fully understand the process Graham walked me through, although I can say it has changed my life. I cannot recommend the PSYCH-K process enough"   Mr Simon D  aka Deepcutdub

©Awaken Your Highest Self 2024